
Elverket Tue–Sun 11–17 | Sinne Tue–Sun 12–17

Walking bass – Ahti Lassilas improvised concert in Chappe and Gallery Elverket

Join Ahti Lassila’s improvised concert in The Listening Eye exhibition. In his performance, Lassila plays his bass in dialogue with the artworks, creating new soundscapes and experiences in the different rooms of the exhibition.

The concert moves from space to space. The concert starts at 13.00 at Chappe, moves through the courtyard between the buildings and ends at Gallery Elverket. The concert lasts a total of about 60 minutes. Seating is available at all concert points.

The concert is included in Chappe’s entrance fee. Admission to Gallery Elverket is free and the courtyard is accessible to everyone.


“I have worked as an orchestral musician on the classical side for a long time, and have sometimes done gigs as a band musician in rhythm music. Since 2015, I have been doing Walking Bass concerts especially at art museums, where the exhibition spaces are used extensively. I plan pieces to suit each room and exhibition, which I develop when I stop to play in different places in the exhibition space. The works, space and soundscape from the acoustic double bass give participants a new kind of art experience.”

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