
Sinne: Next exhibition opens 22.1. Elverket: Next exhibition opens 31.1.

For teachers

Teachers are always welcome to Pro Artibus’ exhibition spaces in Ekenäs and Helsinki – alone or with a whole class – to be inspired by the art or to meet the staff. It is also possible to use Gallery Elverket or Sinne as a teaching space for a lesson.

Pro Artibus’ collaboration with schools takes on many guises. We are happy to engage in dialogue with teachers and to try to meet their wishes. We have an ongoing programme, with workshops for various age groups, as detailed on our website. Besides that, we have digital material in the form of teacher’s guides in Swedish based on works in the Foundation’s collection.

Entry to our exhibitions and events is always free. So, it is easy to visit us, repeatedly if you so choose. Please contact to discuss options for collaboration.