Celebrate autumn break with art. At Gallery Elverket there are tasks and exercises in the exhibition space for you to take part in. We investigate familiar materials through new and experimental methods, where the starting point lies in the exhibition’s artworks.
The workshops are open during the gallery’s opening hours Wednesday–Sunday 18–22.10 at 11–17. An exhibition host is available in the gallery to give an introduction to the exhibition O.S.A. R.S.V.P. and talk about the exercises. Participation is free.
Time: Wed–Sun 18–22.10 at 11–17
Location: Gallery Elverket, Ekenäs: Gustav Wasas gata 11, entrance from the inner yard, also via Museigatan 6
Below you will find descriptions of tasks you are able to attend at gallery Elverket:
Hama beads are a familiar material that supports the development of fine motor skills and creativity. The technique is both playful and soothing. Sit down and sink into the process!
Explore Joel Slotte’s and Marika Orenius art and find the colors and shapes that appeal to you today. Next, choose a set of hama beads and place them on your tray. Sit on a cushion around the podium and start beading! Follow a trail created by previous visitors on the bead board. Where are the pearls leading you today?
The overhead projector is a device used to project images onto a projector screen or wall. During the 1950s, the projector had its big breakthrough and was mainly used a lot for teaching. Today, overhead projectors are rarely used, but instead the old devices work great as art tools!
Explore the details and shapes on the wall by the overhead projector. Do you find the same details in the gallery space? Build on the details by cutting shapes out of copy paper. Then place your shapes on the projectorscreen and project your shapes onto the wall by clicking on the projector. What kind of shadows and shapes do you manage to create? Experiment freely!
Magic dough is a type of modeling clay that is often used as play clay and as sculpture material. The dough consists of water, salt, flour and oil. Although there are many different types of modeling clay on the market, you can make the flexible and soft magic dough yourself.
Study the sculptures you can find outside in the courtyard and inside the gallery. They all belong to the artist duo Restlessmind’s work Everything is fine. Choose a piece of magic dough from the bowl and let it turn into a small sculpture that makes you or someone you know happy.
To make the sculpture more durable, it can be dried at home in an oven at 80-100°C for two hours, and then dried at room temperature for 24 hours.