View from Tiina Raitanen’s exhibition Hard from 2019. Photo: Markus Åström.
Open Call application period has ended 9.10.2023
We announce an Open Call to Sinne (Iso Roobertinkatu 16, Helsinki) for year 2025.
The Open Call is for artists, curators and working groups.
Send your expression of interest to us by email including your contact information. In the email you can refer to previous work by including clickable links to e.g. website and streaming video material, or you may also attach one (1) PDF-document with documentation of previous work (max 20 MB). We ask not to send any extra attachments.
Email with expression of interest should include:
– Name and contact information of the applicant
– Name of all contributing artists
– Clickable links to a website or similar with documentation of previous work (please check in advance that all links are active and working)
– PDF attachment with images is OPTIONAL. The attachment should be max 20 MB
– Note! No exhibition plan needed
Sinne’s programme comprises exhibitions produced in-house, along with open call -exhibitions and shorter events. Exhibiting at Sinne is free of charge and the artist receives an artist fee.
Expressions of interest with contact info should be sent to:
Received application is confirmed with an automatic reply from the address above.
Application deadline: Monday, October 9th, 2023, until 11:59 PM (UTC +3)
Applicants will receive notification by the end of November.
Sinne’s floor plan and photos from the gallery space
If you have any questions, please contact:
Markus Åström
+358 (0)41 437 6728