Smälta, 2021
Installation containing mycelium growing in jars, pigment prints with agar agar, agricultural waste and mycelium.
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The artist Carl Victor Wingren makes portraits of the forest floor, in which fungi bind the forest into a massive organic network. Their installation puts the focus on the mycelium, the vegetal, root-like part of a fungus. Apart from the actual installation with living mycelium Wingren has also grown mycelium in jars together with photographic prints and added substrate. Their aim here has been to let the mycelium literally consume and transform the photographic work.
Wingren seeks to achieve a dialogue with the forest and wants, so to speak, to redefine their own existence within nature. They explore the material’s full potential and it all takes on the appearance of a cycle. Despite Wingren’s strong links with photography they do not produce pictures, but highly material works; the process integrates photography and sculpture to form a coherent object. Wingren seems to be questioning what a picture actually is and shows that everything surrounding the picture is a part of its meaning.
Carl Victor Wingren graduated from the photography course at Novia University of Applied Sciences in 2019 and is currently studying photography at Aalto University. They were awarded a working grant by the Swedish Cultural Foundation in Finland in 2020 and most recently exhibited at Kosminen in Helsinki in 2020.