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Runeberginkatu Street mural competition winners announced

Pro Artibus muraltävling Helsingfors Tölö

The Society of Swedish Literature in Finland (SLS), Swedish Cultural Foundation in Finland (SKF) and Pro Artibus Foundation held a mural competition in spring 2020. The aim was to choose a new mural for the façade of Runeberginkatu Street 50 in Helsinki. The client wants to draw attention to this unique site and to use it to enhance Helsinki’s Töölö district with contemporary art.

Competition entries came from all the Nordic countries, with a total of 80 proposals received by the closing date on May 31.


The winners of the competition are:

I prize (6.000 €)
Peter Larsson & Ossian Eckerman (SVE): Construction Site for a Colorful Ghost

II prize (4.000 €)
Tuija Asta Järvenpää (FI): Fredrikas morgon

III prize (2.000 €)
Jussi TwoSeven (FI): Huuhkaja_Töölö (
Eagle owl_Töölö)


The Competition Jury explained its choices as follows:

1. Peter Larsson Ossian Eckerman (SVE): Construction Site for a Colorful Ghost 
Construction Site for a Colo
rful Ghost is a multimedia work and “a painting that looks like a photograph of a sculpture”. It has multiple layers and multiple levels. Even though it is abstract, it is recognizable as a gesture and makes interesting use of colour. The work has a tremendous playfulness and will suit all sorts of people. It gives the site greater depth and space. Construction Site for a Colorful Ghost is unique, with nothing else like it in Helsinki’s cityscape.

2. Tuija Asta Järvenpää (FI): Fredrikas morgon 
Fredrikas morgon
(Fredrika’s morning) highlights the tree in front of the property and will work in all seasons. This minimalist mural feels like it is in conversation with its surroundings, the seasons, and the tree. Its colour scale and iris technique are stylish. Fredrikas morgon is a peaceful, poetic work that takes on a life of its own as the sky and the light change.

3. Jussi TwoSeven (FI): Huuhkaja_Töölö (Eagle owl_Töölö)
(Eagle owl_Töölö) is a massive work that can be seen from a distance, but at the same time it is detailed and works just as well from close to. In planning its execution the tree in front of the building has been beautifully taken into account. The choice of colours is practicable and the exquisite black-and-white scale works well here. The subject suits the city of Helsinki’s profile and evokes thoughts, for instance, of the city’s football team (Huuhkajat).


The Competition Jury was:
Chair: visual artist Pia Sirén
Jury members:
Architect Sari Viertiö (SAFA)
Real Estate Manager Hans Wiljanen (SLS)
Senior Advisor, culture Åsa Juslin (SKF)
Visual artist Pekka Kainulainen (Artists’ Association of Finland)
Visual artist Ilkka Väätti (Artists’ Association of Finland)
Jury secretary: Director Nina Toppila, Pro Artibus Foundation (non-voting)


The Jury will proposed to the Board of the Runeberginkatu Street 50 housing company that the work given first place be carried out.

The housing company meeting decided on week 26 that final work that will be carried out is:
Peter Larsson ja Ossian Eckerman with proposal Construction Site for a Colorful Ghost.

Competition arranged by: The Society of Swedish Literature in Finland, Swedish Cultural Foundation in Finland and Pro Artibus Foundation. The competition complied with Artists’ Association of Finland rules.

The winners

Pro Artibus muraltävling Helsingfors Tölö
I prize: Peter Larsson ja Ossian Eckerman: Construction Site for a Colorful Ghost.
Pro Artibus muraltävling Helsingfors Tölö
II prize: Tuija Asta Järvenpää: Fredrikas morgon.
Pro Artibus muraltävling Helsingfors Tölö
III prize: Jussi TwoSeven: Huuhkaja_Töölö (Eagle owl_Töölö).