Pro Artibus Foundation’s programme of short and long-term residencies exist to support artistic activity.
Set amid the natural beauty of Snäcksund in Tammisaari, c. 100 km South-West of Helsinki, is Pro Artibus’ The Villa and The Croft residency programmes. There is an opportunity here for undisturbed engagement in artistic work and research, along with development without the demand for specific end results. The Foundation has a three-year artist residency in Vasa in collaboration with the teacher training program at Åbo Akademi University. The goal of the residency is to create models for how contemporary art and artists can be intregrated into teaching in general education. In Korpo the Foundation has a new residency in cooperation with Åbo Akademi University’s station for marine biology and Archipelago Centre Korpoström.
Snäcksund Villa
The Villa is a three-year residency programme aimed at Swedish-speaking artists and curators.

Snäcksund Croft
The Croft programme offers a place for short-term artistic or interdisciplinary research periods.

Vasa Academill
Pro Artibus Foundation runs an artist’s residency in collaboration with the Faculty of Education and Welfare Studies at Åbo Akademi University – Vasa.

Korpo Archipelago Residency
The goal of the Archipelago Residency is to link environmental and marine research with art.